Who better to ask about the limitations of AI when it comes to heat than AI itself? As it turns out there is a real “elephant in the room” that no one is discussing when it comes to realizing the incredible potential of AI…. “Heat”.

The Frore Blog heard about some fascinating experiments being done by one of our amazing Customer Engineers – ChienYi Lo – so we decided to drop by for a chat.

This week the Frore Systems Blog caught up with Surya Ganti, Founder and CTO, to chat about the progress of AirJet, it’s groundbreaking technology, and how far the company has come.

The Frore Systems Blog caught up with the company’s VP of Business Development, Brandon Jung, to explain the sometimes tricky dynamics of selling innovation in a startup environment.

The Frore Systems Blog caught up with the company’s VP of Marketing, Sue Ryan, to get her thoughts on AirJet, the market, customers and the future of the small and mighty solid-state active cooling chip.